Custom Entity Table Instructions For each of the ten editable custom entities found in the left column, the associated popUp menu to its right selects the document, master header or footer whose text is to be substituted for instances of that custom entity on export. The popUp menu contains the list of master headers and footers; holding down the Option key alternately displays the list of documents. You can edit the name of the custom entity. It defaults to the name of the selected document, master header or footer name, in the format of an SGML or HTML entity, as in: &foot; Note that if the name of the document selected from a popUp menu subsequently changes, it may not be reflected in the popUp menu name, but the conversion will still associate the given entity with that document. While any text can be used as the entity name, I recommend the SGML entity format. Please note that instances of any of the ten custom entities in your exported document will be translated, so avoid creating custom entity names that match actual HTML entities that may occur in your documents. For each of the ten editable custom entities found in the left column, the associated popUp menu to its right selects the document, master header or footer whose text is to be substituted for instances of that custom entity on export. The popUp menu contains the list of master headers and footers; note that holding down the Option key alternately displays the list of all HTML documents in the editor. You can edit the name of the custom entity. It defaults to the name of the selected document, master header or footer name, in the format of an SGML or HTML entity, as in: &foot; Note that if the name of the document selected from a popUp menu subsequently changes, it may not be reflected in the popUp menu name, but the conversion will still associate the given entity with that document. While any text can be used as the entity name (such as "#myDocument"), I recommend the SGML entity format for consistency. Please note that instances of any of the ten custom entities in your exported document will be translated, so avoid creating custom entity names that match actual HTML entities that may occur in your documents. Back to Conversion Preferences, or return to Contents.